Doctor vs CA Salary

This is the question which arises in the minds of all of us, especially when we are on a stage where we have to decide whether we should join CA or MBBS. At that time we try to compare the Doctor's salary to a CA Salary. We become curious to know that who earns more, A doctor or CA.

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Both of the professions are the high level professions. If you join any of them, you can earn so much money that you may live a happy life if this is the money which makes you happy. As far as we talk about the comparison of salary of these professions, It's just impossible to do that. The reason is that You can't compare even the salary of the people who are in the same profession. As if we talk about MBBs, You may have seen the doctors who earn much more better than most of the people in that profession. Same is the case with Chartered Accountancy. There are a number of CAs who earn a really huge and massive amount as compared to the other CAs. It's just up to you that how much you can utilize your abilities. if you use your abilities really in an efficient way, Then you can become the World's richest man without even completing your bachelor. If you don't believe me, look at Bill Gates. 
I think now you migh have got the point.
(If you want to know about exact Salary of CA, You may read What is the Salary of CA in Pakistan?)

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